Founded in 2006 by Lorraine Schnabel, Schnabel Conservation L.L.C. is an architectural conservation firm specializing in historic masonry. We provide consulting services to architects, engineers, building owners, contractors and conservators for projects such as:
We have experience with all kinds of stone and masonry including:
Limestone Brick
Marble Concrete
Brownstone Terra Cotta
Serpentine Cast Stone
Granite Stucco
Our focus is treatment development through careful on-site observation and targeted materials testing coupled with comprehensive review of available repair materials.
Materials analysis and testing services include:
Schnabel Conservation L.L.C. is a woman-owned business, and a certified WBE in New Jersey and Philadelphia. Lorraine Schnabel is a Fellow of the American Institution of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC).
lorraine @ schnabelconservation .com